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"$type": "",
"createdAt": "2024-03-20T00:54:23.699Z",
"embed": {
"$type": "app.bsky.embed.external",
"external": {
"description": "This is an informal overview of what a PDS does and what a",
"thumb": {
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"$link": "bafkreiblrgir53sdqtxpopacg7nwns7hjbslw4wgyijoye4rwdaaxghsnu"
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"size": 308097
"title": "What does a PDS implementation entail? · bluesky-social atproto · Discussion #2350",
"uri": ""
"langs": [
"text": "are you working on an atproto PDS implementation?\n\ntried to pull together what a PDS actually does, and what additional roles and features are coming down the pipe (mainly OAuth)"