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Record JSON
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"createdAt": "2024-05-21T05:15:02.858Z",
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"alt": "figure from paper: Figure 8: The teaching language (exploded UIs in this example) is invoked to scaffold learner evaluation once the “Explain” option is selected. (A): explanatory feature titles indicate relation to users’ previously expressed preferences and links to an existing curriculum folder. (B): the learner pre-selects option(s) in the UI to show its preference prediction, which the user can correct by un-selecting if desired.",
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"text": "being able to view the \"reason\" for why a post ended up in a feed is something we'd love to do. could be a modal/pop-up and mechanism to \"un-learn\" in situ; or display more frequently \"why\" a post was shown in the feed (similar to existing \"re-posted by\" for Following feed)"