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Record JSON
"$type": "",
"createdAt": "2024-06-28T16:27:00.549Z",
"embed": {
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"description": "A collection of example projects and scripts for atproto development. - bluesky-social/cookbook",
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"size": 288344
"title": "cookbook/go-repo-export at main ยท bluesky-social/cookbook",
"uri": ""
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"reply": {
"parent": {
"cid": "bafyreibkalmmso6byrkntjj5gpdn557cgen6scxf5tkzaowupfyulfmh54",
"uri": "at://did:plc:524tuhdhh3m7li5gycdn6boe/"
"root": {
"cid": "bafyreihzp7fftztjmyujt4wjh752bqzbmdbdyptt42vzcc5agzftfilp2y",
"uri": "at://did:plc:524tuhdhh3m7li5gycdn6boe/"
"text": "here is a CLI tool that does the CAR and all blobs; can can unpack the CAR in to JSON files.\n\ndoes not include private state like moderation config; that requires auth but then is simple API calls.\n\neven full chat (DM) history can be pulled via API, even though that is centralized"