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Record JSON
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"createdAt": "2024-08-22T18:43:21.783Z",
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"description": "Table of known custom PDSes with user counts",
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"title": "Bluesky handle directory – PDSes",
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"cid": "bafyreiaboe55mtoxaktdkvn4wcdbfn53kiidb2od5xooy44nwigwjhxsbu",
"uri": "at://did:plc:l7l5l65nk5aogxmspxaqd5go/"
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"uri": "at://did:plc:im67buhsohofwfyqz2jin4uc/"
"text": "I think it depends on which users you want to interact with. for the specific users on you need to talk to Mastodon GMBH servers, no?\n\nif you want to run atproto software that only talks to non-Bluesky servers that is totally possible today. there are fewer users but it exists"