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Record JSON
"$type": "",
"createdAt": "2024-09-11T00:46:50.238Z",
"embed": {
"$type": "app.bsky.embed.external",
"external": {
"description": "",
"title": "IndieAuth - Sign in with your domain name",
"uri": ""
"langs": [
"reply": {
"parent": {
"cid": "bafyreig5y3shwsspcv6z4je35fse2zrmseot3uqzrmldm7cojlkh7vji4i",
"uri": "at://did:plc:44ybard66vv44zksje25o7dz/"
"root": {
"cid": "bafyreiemwnutq35hkcqwyim3t53snroo53esozz5zh7dbfh5pmcdm44fki",
"uri": "at://did:plc:rydhwu6gk5y2y7oufeh2d6w2/"
"text": "IndieAuth is another player in this space.\n\nnone of these have \"huge\" adoption, at least year. we tried to go with the most secure and complete option, which has a path to being \"the one true standard\", but hard to tell how things will shake out in a few years"