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Record JSON
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"createdAt": "2024-10-08T17:51:05.860Z",
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"description": "YouTube video by Fission",
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"title": "Fission Tech Talks: Bluesky and PLC",
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"cid": "bafyreifkyi42vuraiwp2e6oevsoi3furykwdycc4t4op3gad7otgpafdji",
"uri": "at://did:plc:44ybard66vv44zksje25o7dz/"
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"text": "sort of the whole point of did:plc is to just query \"something somewhere\" and get all the results back. it doesn't need to be a single server from a single org, it could be a distributed quorum, etc.\n\nI go through the various future paths/priorities in this short talk"