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Record JSON
"$type": "",
"createdAt": "2024-10-17T17:53:58.688Z",
"embed": {
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"description": "Community projects built on the Bluesky API.",
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"title": "Community Showcase | Bluesky",
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"reply": {
"parent": {
"cid": "bafyreihozgwcxmrmte2g7o77o5oqgdxq56dnqzo2q2var3aynysbgzofze",
"uri": "at://did:plc:44ybard66vv44zksje25o7dz/"
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"uri": "at://did:plc:44ybard66vv44zksje25o7dz/"
"text": "there are many, many other projects, including feed generators, labelers, and clients. there is a partial list/showcase on the docs website, but it isn't always up to date. I think there are some other \"awesome\" lists floating around"