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Record JSON
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"createdAt": "2024-10-27T05:28:08.077Z",
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"description": "A collection of example projects and scripts for atproto development. - bluesky-social/cookbook",
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"title": "cookbook/python-oauth-web-app at main ยท bluesky-social/cookbook",
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"cid": "bafyreigewkk5kbs5lgpnwkdt6zfru7eh54rxbcyibc25ap5xdjo7zbclt4",
"uri": "at://did:plc:vuafy2yqm5fifql4rwc6kqg3/"
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"uri": "at://did:plc:vuafy2yqm5fifql4rwc6kqg3/"
"text": "did you see the python \"atproto OAuth the hard way\" repo?\n\nand the client impl guide:\n\nwe worry about how complex OAuth is (though does feel motivated by the stakes w/ decentralization), and tried to put together more dev resources than usual"