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Record JSON
"$type": "",
"createdAt": "2024-11-02T19:13:18.980Z",
"embed": {
"$type": "app.bsky.embed.external",
"external": {
"description": "Blobs blobs blobs!",
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"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"size": 267164
"title": "blobs spec by bnewbold · Pull Request #356 · bluesky-social/atproto-website",
"uri": ""
"langs": [
"reply": {
"parent": {
"cid": "bafyreibj7pv3fczywhkytmpttjdazziqlgiutpfvxewfp5lqlrw3nclye4",
"uri": "at://did:plc:44ybard66vv44zksje25o7dz/"
"root": {
"cid": "bafyreiayvbsf2bflqhr6isky36jezuq54zwsqceclt3zax22ae6zjas3he",
"uri": "at://did:plc:exrxvyu6bpoym6mbnctke5tn/"
"text": "blobs are not bsky-specific. we have a draft spec up in a PR (we have a bunch of \"missing pieces\" specs in review right now)\n\nthere are a couple small bsky-specific things we are working to remove: enforce use of proxy headers for the app.bsky.* endpoints; and some read-after-write hacks"